Some Photography Quotes

"Nothing happens when you sit at home. I always make it a point to carry a camera with me at all times... I just shoot at what interests me at that moment." -Elliot Erwitt

When the world is your canvas, so to speak, you need your tools to capture everything around you...

"The hardest pictures to take, is the one that looks the simplest."

"What life has in store for you is always precious. Take a step back and capture the moment to remember it forever"

Young Amateur Photographer. Hoping I will pursue this not just as a hobby but also my career. Just want to share my talent and interest to all of you who views this

Friday, December 14, 2012


"A story like mine should never be told. For my world is as forbidden as it is fragile. Without its mysteries it cannot survive. I certainly wasn't born to the life of a geisha. Like so much in my strange life, I was carried there by the current."


PS: Memoirs have amazing quotes! :) just saying

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Thousand Paper Cranes

Thousand Paper Cranes paper cranes photoshoot.

Just a GIF of myself taking pictures of paper cranes.

I will post the pictures of the ACTUAL paper cranes in a few days :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My Date with... The Beach

The beach is like the place where you can just free your thoughts, think straight, relax, take a break from a long week of work or school and take some heck good pictures!

All Photos are take by Faye Ticao
(If you use them, give me credit. PLEASE.)

More photos to come... When I have my laptop.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Inspire and Quote

I DON'T TEXT ANYONE SECRETLY! It's a quote people!
Photo By: Thea Sumergido
Edit by: Thea Sumergido and Faye Ticao

Photo By: Faye Ticao
Edit By: Thea Sumergido 

Photo By: Faye Ticao
Edit By: Thea Sumergido

Edit By: Faye Ticao

First Bokeh Post

This is just a post to show my new background and a little glimpse on a photography technique that's simple but really cool!

It's a little photography technique I learned from my cousin called, Bokeh.

Its actually just a simple technique. The main goal there is to find a location with Lights. Lots and lots of bright, colorful, beaming lights.

I'll show you my settings on how I achieved this bokeh photo. --------->

Here's a glimpse on how to do it. well for me. You can search on it more because Im no professional but if it helps then, your welcome:
Here's my first attempt

  • Find place with bright colorful lights.
  • Set your DSLR or SLR to either 'Manual', or any setting that allows you to adjust the aperture, shutter speed and ISO (For me I used the setting 'AV' or 'Aperture Value'
  • Here are the settings: Shutter Speed - 0"6, Aperture - 5.6, ISO- 800.

Well, there you go.

 It's not a perfect bokeh but I find it really beautiful. Of course I edited it with a use of Picmonkey since I dont have photoshop ;)

Ok, Now heres my background:

But here's the ACTUAL background

Photos and edits one by Myself :D

Friday, September 21, 2012

School Campus

I only got a few pictures this Friday. I wasn't able to go around the campus so... That's it.

( Landscape, And one Silhouette)

Photos taken by myself.
Photo editor: Instagram!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Sunset Part.2

                               Pretty Sunset from the Balcony :D

You know what I love most about photography? You can express your feelings through it. You can't only show expressions or your feelings in photos when faces are in it but through the colors of the pictures. 

ANYWAY. Back to the point. 
My favorite category in photography is silhouette and fauna or taking pictures of small stuff. It's easy but their really pretty and for me it speaks alot. There are so much stories behind it. And theyre are really easy to capture. 
Easy yet it takes so much adjusting to do. You have to make sure it isnt too dark or too bright. 

Unlike other pictures, silhouette has a different 'style' for the main objective. It has to be black to let the background stand out. The most common is the sunset background. BUT. If its just plain sunset, it's SUPER boring. So the main key to make it more interesting and attention catching, add something that'll make it. 

That's pretty much it ;)
Faye Francene S. Ticao

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sunset From The Balcony

Every sunny day equals to a pretty sunset!

My favorite thing about my house is when you stay in the balcony at around 5:30-6:00PM, you will always see the sunset. Orange, pink, purple... Every sunset color you can imagine.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Beach Beauty

Yesterday we went to Anhawan Beach Resort for my lola's 80th birthday. It started with people singing and ended with.... People... Singing... -_-

But what I did in majority of the time was chilling under the coconut tree! Just my luck, no coconuts fell on me ;)

And most pictures look purple! Can you guess why? ;)))

PHOTOS TAKEN BY: Myself and my beloved phone! ;)