Some Photography Quotes

"Nothing happens when you sit at home. I always make it a point to carry a camera with me at all times... I just shoot at what interests me at that moment." -Elliot Erwitt

When the world is your canvas, so to speak, you need your tools to capture everything around you...

"The hardest pictures to take, is the one that looks the simplest."

"What life has in store for you is always precious. Take a step back and capture the moment to remember it forever"

Young Amateur Photographer. Hoping I will pursue this not just as a hobby but also my career. Just want to share my talent and interest to all of you who views this

Friday, August 31, 2012

Sunset Part.2

                               Pretty Sunset from the Balcony :D

You know what I love most about photography? You can express your feelings through it. You can't only show expressions or your feelings in photos when faces are in it but through the colors of the pictures. 

ANYWAY. Back to the point. 
My favorite category in photography is silhouette and fauna or taking pictures of small stuff. It's easy but their really pretty and for me it speaks alot. There are so much stories behind it. And theyre are really easy to capture. 
Easy yet it takes so much adjusting to do. You have to make sure it isnt too dark or too bright. 

Unlike other pictures, silhouette has a different 'style' for the main objective. It has to be black to let the background stand out. The most common is the sunset background. BUT. If its just plain sunset, it's SUPER boring. So the main key to make it more interesting and attention catching, add something that'll make it. 

That's pretty much it ;)
Faye Francene S. Ticao

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